Friday, March 21, 2014

The TMI tag!

Hi everyone, So today I am doing the TMI tag. Just in case you are not in the loop TMI just stands for Too Much Information. So with that sorted let's start!: )

1. What are you wearing? Right now I am wearing a pink and white speck jumper from Bank. Plain Black legging from River Island and finally some spotty frilly socks which are also from Bank.
2.Ever been in love? No...
3.Ever had a terrible breakup? No!
4.How tall are you? I am not exactly sure so I just going to say...Tall : )
5.How much do you weigh? I actually do not know, but I wouldn't tell you anyway, haha
6.Any tattoos? No.
7.Any piercings? Just my ears.
8. OTP?(One True Pairing?) I am not sure but I think I will have to say...Zalfie? <3
9. Favorite show? I would have to say I am an Eastenders girl, Gotta keep up with them soaps!: )
10. Favorite bands? One direction, No Haters, Please?!
11.Something you miss? My old house.
12. Favorite song? Right now, Little things by one directon. Even though I like them I am not obsessed, o.k.
13. How old are you? 12 years old!: )
14.Zodiac sign? Aries!
15. Qualitys you look for in a Pratner? I am only young so I am not really looking for a partner but I suppose they have to be nice, easy to talk to and funny!
16. Favorite quote?"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it's about learning to dance in the rain." I love that quote so so so so so so so so much! : D
17. Favorite Actor? I don't really pay attention to actors, so I guess no one.
18. Favorite Color? Either Mint green or pink.
19.Loud music or soft? I like music when it's not too loud but not too soft. In the middle you could say!: )
20.Where do you go when you are sad? I am mostly sad at school because of all the arguments around friends, so I guess it's school. However, if I am really sad then I like to be at home.
21.How long does it take you to shower? I have a bath not a shower, so around 30 minutes, more if I am washing my hair. Don't blame me, baths are too relaxing!
22.How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Around 15-30 minutes because I don't do anything fancy to my hair (just put it up in a pony tail) and I don't wear makeup. All I have to do is put my clothes on, Now that's how you get more sleep in the morning : )
23. Ever been in a physical fight? No, although me and my brothers used to play fight.
24.Turn on? Kind and funny.
25. Turn off? When they think that they are a badman, but they're not.
26.The reason I joined YouTube? I will change that to the reason why I started my blog. I wanted to join YouTube but I was to scared of what people would say to me so I made a blog to write my thoughts and talk to people instead.
27.Fears? Spiders, The dark, Being home alone and walking places on my own.
28.Last thing that made you cry? I cried yesterday because I got too stressed out, I promised people that I would make them a hair bow but then I got home and couldn't find my materials and I thought that I had to make them there and then and...I cried. Yep ; )
29. Last time you said you loved someone? Yesterday.
30.Reason behind your YouTube (blog) name? I randomly chose my blog name, no reason.
31.Last book you read? Cherry Crush by Cathy Cassidy.
32.The book you are currently reading? It is called Vanishing Village but I do not know who the author is.
33. Last show you watched? Probably, Hair which is on BBC THREE and it is amazing!
34.Last person you talked to? My dad.
35.The relationship between you and the last person you texted? My dad : )
36.Favorite food? Either Lasagna or cheese pizza.
37. Place you want to visit? Orlando, Florida. I really want to go to both America and Disneyland so that's the dream destination for me : )
38. Last place you were? At my friends house.
39. Do you have a crush? Maybe, Maybe Not?!
40. Last time you kissed someone? I kissed my mum, yesterday!
41. Last time you were insulted? The other day.
42. Favorite flavor of sweet? The red ones, so strawberry or raspberry : )
43.What instruments do you play? I do not play any instruments : (
44. Favorite piece of jewelry? I don't really wear any jewelry but I would have to say my doughnut earnings.
45. Last sport you played? Football, in P.E.
46. Last song you sang? The duck song, when the duck walked up to the lemonade stand...
47. Favorite chat up line? Are you a new pencil because all of the rest are dull. Go me for just making that up! : )
48. Have you ever used it? No, No, No Oh and No.
49. Last time you hung out with someone? On Wednesday this week.
50. Who should answer these questions next? Every single one of you. You can do it on your bog or on YouTube! : )

Where are my clothes from?

 Jumper- Bank:
Leggings-River Island:These are the closet I could find.
Socks-Bank:Again the closest I could find.

Thank you so so much for reading. I will be making more posts soon, but I know this was a long one.

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