Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Messy Hair, Oh Yeah!

Hi everyone, so this is a bit of a different post right now but I thought I would do it anyway! It's not a review of any kind but I am very happy that this is in fashion. Messy Hair! The fact that today I woke up (my hair plated from yesterday night) and my hair is that kind of messy that just fits into fashion, one less step, Oh Yeah!:)
I do know that messy buns have been in fashion for a while now, I am still bringing myself you deliberately go out of the house with messy styled hair!
Here is a picture (not mine) that shows you what I am on about!:
Can't help but love it :)

So please comment if you are as happy as I am about messy hair being right on trend now. I know its been for  while but its getting to the point now where most people are doing their like this. 
Hope I will be writing more soon, sorry this is so short but I am also having camera problems so thought this would be fun.
Goodbye!:) x

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