Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jelly pong pong Fairy Lashes mascara...Flutter!

Hi everyone, another post, I am on a roll! This one is a review style, like always, and it is on the Jelly pong pong Fairy lashes mascara. A bit of a mouthful but I think it is a cute name. So let's get started!:)

Not really the best image, should have edited it:/
So as you can see by the absolutely rubbish image that is not cropped the packaging isn't really out going or different. However, I do have to say it does make it look 'sophisticated' dare I say. The pink italic writing adds a touch and personally I don't think it looks too bad.

 As you can see there is a small difference but I do have to admit not much. I think this just looks natural so it would be great for school or anywhere where you don't want it obvious that you are wearing makeup. I have only had this mascara for about 5 months and I know when you are meant to throw them out but this one started to get dry after the first 1 month or so. It is now really clumpy and dry, I had to put on a lot of coats to get the after look.

This is what they brush looks like:
Here you can tell that the mascara is starting to clump up. The bristles swirl around on the want getting thicker in the center of the brush and then more tapper-ed at the ends. I do think this brush is ok but I know people who absolutely hate it so it is all about personal opinion.

Everyone says that this mascara is hard to get off because it is waterproof. However, I just gently tug at my lashes with warm water and it works. I don't have to tug at my lashes so hard that my lashes fall out but enough to get each coat of mascara off my eyes.

This mascara can be brought from the jelly pong pong website which I must add I think it looks really cute and I would suggest to have a look at all of their other products. RRP (real retail price): £15.00. It comes in a warm violet (maiden) or the one I have is intense black (Flutter). I would recommend this product.

 Thank you for reading!:)

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