Sunday, January 12, 2014

What about carmex?...

Hi everyone, today I am going to be giving you my thoughts on carmex. If you are not aware of this brand it is basically just lip balms and they come in all different scents or just the original. I have been trying out carmex for a while now and a good thing is that I was given a new one for christmas, YAY! :~)

At first I did not like carmex, the smell was and still is it's biggest downfall. It smells like menthol which call relate to vicks (the vaporised rub:)) and I can't stand it, especially as your nose is right above your mouth. If you didn't know:)

The above picture is the pot of Carmex. There is also a squeezy tube of Carmex available for purchase which is much more practical for when you don't want too touch your lips. I do own the squeezy tube but when it came to taking the pictures it wanted to just disapear.

 As you can from the images above this lip balm is a really weird yellowish color, just to note this does not show on your lips :) The lip balm itself is really thick and gloopy but at the same time it's not too sticky either. The way I use lip balms is apply them at night and then leave to absorb for the morning. This way Carmex does work and makes my lips really nice and soft.

Overall I like this lip balm excluding the smell! I can't believe I just wrote a whole Blogpost on one lip balm. Well done if you read all the way through! Thank you so so much for reading this post and I am planning on doing some more today, butt.... I have homework which ruins everything!:( I have taken the picture though so there might be a few, let's wait and see. 

Thanks for reading!:)

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