Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Acrylics, YES or NO!

Hi everyone so I just want to say, Happy New Year! Today I am talking about acrylic nails and weather you should or should not get them. Overall it's your choice and what happened to me when I got them is not necessarily going to happen to you, but I did write at the end of my other post that I would write this so here it is!

So first I will start by telling you my story. From the beginning, I had really wanted to get my nails done (or get acrylics) for a very very long time as my very close aunt has them. My mom thought it would actually be able to strengthen my nails because I was trying to grow them out at the time. Finally, after a while my mom, being amazing, gave in and allowed me to get them done. I went first time and it was fine the place I went to isn't the best as they rush to get more people done, once or twice they did file my skin around the nail which hurt but you know, it was cool! The nails lasted a few weeks and I then went back to this place, with my aunt, to get them redone/infills. This time was different, I felt like he had pushed the acrylic down to hard onto my nail, but so that it was digging into my nails really hard. He had done this to both of my pinkies/baby fingers:) When he was putting the varnish that makes the acrylic shiney on my nails it really stung and my nails were hurting so so so bad! I thought to my self to just get over it but around a month of hitting it almost everywhere (on the banisters, on my bed, all the little places!) it had gotten to the point where I was in agony and found the pain of these two nails unbearable. I told my mom and aunt and they told me that if they hurt so bad I need to get them off. Don't worry it's not a horror, I feel like this is getting tense!:D So my aunt soaked my nails in acetone -which killed- and filed away at my acrylics until they were as this as my normal nails. She they had to pull them off which didn't hurt really, it was only the fake nail so it wouldn't be painful. I washed my hand to see my little finger nail split in half and it looked blue, that's how swollen it was! That was it really. My poor baby nails were in half, gross I know, and my nail has only really just grown back.

So that was my story:) I feel like this post is too serious but how else are you meant to say it?! I wouldn't say that this experience put me off getting my nails done, infact I am getting an acrylic coat over the top of my natural nails soon to keep them strong. You may be thinking, why? well  they aren't going to be long so I won't catch them on anything and the acrylic is just going to be keeping them strong, for real this time?! I'm not sure!

I know that this picture was in my other post but its what my nails looked like  :

Definitely get your nails done if you want them, but at first they do kind of hurt. I love the patterns they can do at nail shops, in fact when I get my nails done I am getting a pattern too; Don't know what yet but I will most likely post about them. I am still humming and ahring about getting them done though so if there is not a post, you know why!:)

Anyway, that's all for today!   

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