Monday, June 10, 2013


Hello there everyone:)

Today I thought I would start a new start completely! As you can tell I have deleted all of the posts that were posted in the past and decided to just, basically, start a fresh. If you are wondering my blog will basically just be reviews of products and even, maybe, just what I get up too if there is no more products to review about on that day.

I'm sure you don't know this, as this is kind of a new thing now, but I have a subscription to receive a glossy box every month. If you are unaware of what a glossy box is then I'll tell you! Basically if you have a subscription with them you will receive a glossy box every month, but don't panic you can buy glossy boxes as gifts or a one off treat:) but you get 5 luxury items, well they are supposed to be luxury items but sometimes they sneak in a few 'drugstore' items, each month. So if you would like to try out a glossy box then hears a link: p.s they are only £10 a month!

Also, the title does say a new routine, I have already explained what I mean about this. But not fully! I also mean that every single day I am going to cleanse my face and moisturise my skin. So far I have lasted about 3 days and am keeping to my word. Here is a small review of what I have been using:
Olay gentle cleansers refreshing toner
p.s these are not my images as my webcam was playing up:( sorry
I have used this a fair bit to review it now and personally I think that its quite good. Its great at removing makeup, because i actually want to be a beautician, and it feels really good on my skin and the best thing is that it doesn't bring me out with spots. It does wake me up and my skin feels refreshed!

Organic surge duper intensive moisturiser for dry skin
This is really good as well. I received this form Junes glossy box. I have to point out though this has the most unusual smell of...Turkish delight! It is very moisturizing and I actually like it.  
Olay gentle cleansers refreshing face wash
This comes out as a clear, extremely runny liquid which makes it difficult to work with but once you have got it out of the bottle it rubs into your skin really well and basically  does the same as the toner but this wakes me up a tiny bit more!

That's it for today everyone as I think I have bombarded you with information but I'm going to end by saying that I might to a June glossy box review and basically write all of the items that I received and simply write a review about them!

See you soon! :D

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